Ready to face your fear of cancer recurrence? 

Get your FREE copy of “Face Your Fear of Cancer Recurrence” -- take these three proven steps to face off fear so you can navigate your journey with poise.

Your cancer journey doesnā€™t have to be defined by fear and confusion

There *is* a way to position yourself alongside your cancer ā€“

To befriend the uncertainty, gain absolute clarity, and use it as a fast-track to meaningful change in your life


Let’s put you on that path!

Welcome to Truth & Dare Cancer

Transformative online coaching for women with breast cancer & reproductive system cancers

When youā€™re diagnosed with cancer, it often feels like what you need and what you get could NOT be further apart

You want clarity…

But there’s more information than you can process, a quagmire of choices ready to bog you down at every turn, and a health system you need a compass and a PhD to navigate.

You want time and space…

But you’re expected to buckle up and ride straight in to battle without ever questioning the plan of attack.

You want connection…

But your friends and family have forgotten how to talk with you, support groups feel like too much effort, and your doctors never have time. 

You want empowerment…

But you’ve been assigned the sticky new role of ‘cancer patient’ which means you’re expected to nod politely, do as you’re told, and run every decision by your carers.

You want big picture change…

But you’re so consumed with your symptoms, it’s hard to see past them to anything more meaningful.

No wonder you're exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed...

But here's the good news -

You CAN have all the support you're seeking

And I can provide it to you:

Step-by-step, so you are never wondering what to do next

In the comfort and privacy of your own home (in bed, PJs and all)

Using a tried and tested, empowering and innovative framework

Based on my years of coaching experience and my own cancer journey

Cancer gave me the permission to make much needed changes in my life

Hi I'm Ceca

(Pronounced ‘Sessa’ - I know, it’s tricky) 

Life coach, mathematician, and cancer survivor.

Rather than deep diving into statistics and probabilities when I was diagnosed, I leaned right in to my coaching experience, coaching myself all the way through my cancer crisis and into my recovery.

I used my cancer to --

+     Discover a whole new level of openness and connection

+     Put an end to people-pleasing, sugar-coating, and anything else that wasn’t serving me

+     Push me, heart-first, into my true purpose, and

+     Shape the rest of my life for the better


Now it’s my mission to help you do the same.

"Iā€™ve worked with Ceca numerous times on varying challenges. Not only is she instrumental in providing a remarkable level of clarity, but she has an extraordinary ability to identify how surface level issues lead back to fundamental limiting thoughts and beliefs I could have spent a lifetime trying to uncover on my own. Her insight and compassion helped me to dive deep while feeling safe and anchored. Cecaā€™s unique way of looking at situations not only brought up the solutions I was looking for, but made me aware of myself in a whole new way. She invited me to find the courage to rediscover myself and redefine who I am."

Afshan Samee


The idea of a having a life coach was never on my radar. However, my life was turned upside down when my partner of 38 years died one month after a cancer diagnosis.

My identity had been very much invested in us; our projects, our dreams, and our shared daily existence. I felt rudderless, confused, and uncertain how to proceed. Nothing of my previous life seemed to fit.

I was lucky to have Ceca guide and coach me through the re-creation of myself when I most needed it.

I believe I avoided many pitfalls and unproductive paths with the insights she offered. In place of repeating negative thought structures about my immediate circumstance, she presented new ideas and activities which enabled me to witness my mind and examine the focus of my energy.  I was able to re-frame my life experience in the broader context of my unique version of our human journey. This perspective imparted awareness and allowed healing.

Our sessions were always a welcome experience of empathy and insight. Ceca is brilliant at zeroing-in on the issue at the heart of a concern. She actively listens, prompting awareness and recognizing progress.

My life has now transformed. While I know grief, loss, and tragedy are inescapable elements of life, I am also happy, productive, and enjoying the wonderful relationships and work coming my way.

 Ceca is an intuitive genius who can provide exemplary guidance through personal transformation.

- PK


"Working with Ceca is like being illuminated. Sheā€™s powerful, clear, and focused; and cuts right through my limiting beliefs and stories. This ability - combined with her life experience, healing wisdom, and keen intuition - makes Ceca a badass change agent who supports my ongoing ā€˜upgradingā€™ and transformation."

Marie Rodriguez


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