TDC #13: Intention vs. Resolution

Jan 01, 2019

In time for New Year’s resolutions, I talk about intentions versus resolutions. Setting intentions is different than setting resolutions. Instead of focusing on the future and being attached to a certain outcome, intentions help anchor you to the present moment and put the focus firmly on the journey. They’re a practice, not a goal, which shifts the focus from obtaining something to cultivating something -- Which is a far more powerful process.


What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

+   The difference between intention and resolution.

+   How to use intentions to help anchor you to the present moment and put the focus firmly on the journey itself

+   Why it’s important to shift your focus on intentions vs resolutions.

+   Truth & Dare Quote: Intentions are a practice, not a goal, which shifts the focus from obtaining something to cultivating something.


Featured on the Show:

+   Ceca's website: Truth & Dare Cancer

+   Join the Truth & Dare Cancer Facebook group. It’s a safe space where I and lots of other like-minded women with cancer hang out and share our stories, struggles, tips, and support.

+   To stop identifying with your cancer, take three empowering steps outlined in the free You Are Not Your Cancer guide.

+   If you’re looking for a way to use your cancer as a powerful catalyst for change, let’s get on a brief call and explore how we can achieve that together. To book a free call, click here.

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