Ep #34: Approaching Cancer with Growth Mindset

Sep 17, 2019

In today’s episode, I talk about the growth mindset and how it impacts your life and healing. We create our own reality and mindset plays the key role in our healing outcome. Making slight shifts in your current thinking can make a huge impact on how your body heals. In order to keep your body grounded and balanced so it can heal and restore, I strongly recommend shifting your thinking
approach to the growth mindset.


What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

+  How every thought simultaneously triggers hormone production in our body and shapes the emotions we are experiencing.

When limiting yourself with the fixed mindset you strain and interrupt the energy flow in your body.

How to keep your body grounded and balanced so it can heal and restore.

What to do if you feel lost, confused, frustrated or overwhelmed after listening to this episode.

Truth & Dare Quote: My effort and attitude determine my ability to heal.


Featured on the Show:

+   WANT TO CREATE A LIFE YOU DESERVE? Whether your goal is to get healthy, change careers, improve relationships, focus on self-care… You can create whatever you desire. If you need help figuring it out, it's time for private coaching, no more waiting for Monday.

If you are not quite sure how to move into the growth mindset or shift your
thinking, let's get on a brief call and you can tell me exactly what’s going on and what you are looking for -- we can figure this out together. Book your free 15-minute clarity session here, or go to https://www.truthanddarecancer.com/call.

Join the Truth & Dare Cancer Facebook Community. It’s a safe space where I and lots of other like-minded women with cancer hang out and share our stories, struggles, tips, and support.

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