Ep #48: Part 5: The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief: Acceptance

Mar 17, 2020

Today’s episode is a part 5 in a 5-part series called The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief, and today’s segment is all about Acceptance. When it comes to cancer, acceptance does not mean you reach a point of, “it’s all great,” but that you reach a point of, “I’m living and dealing with cancer.” Full stop. I’ll teach you how to arrive to acceptance, and help you return to it so you can spend more hours and days in the present moment while constructively moving forward.


What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

What acceptance is - and isn’t

Why acceptance improves emotional health

Two strategies to help you move into acceptance

Why you can’t “fake it ‘til you make it” with acceptance

Truth & Dare Quote: When you reach the acceptance of your cancer, you open the door to a deeper acceptance of yourself.


Featured on the Show:

Episode TDC #35: The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief

+  Episode TDC #44: Part 1: The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief: Denial

Episode TDC #45: Part 2: The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief: Anger

Episode TDC #46: Part 3: The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief: Bargaining

Episode TDC #47: Part 4: The 5 Stages of Cancer Grief: Depression

Book On Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

Book ACT Made Simple by Russ Harris, M.D.

Book Loving What Is by Byron Katie

+   WANT TO CREATE A LIFE YOU DESERVE? Whether your goal is to get healthy, change careers, improve relationships, focus on self-care… You can create whatever you desire. If you need help figuring it out, it's time for private coaching, no more waiting for Monday.

Are you looking to use your cancer as a catalyst for emotional self-awareness and powerful change in your life? That’s exactly what my work with Truth & Dare Cancer is all about. If you need help getting started, book a free consultation call, and we’ll explore how you can take the first step. To schedule go to truthanddarecancer.com/call.

Join the Truth & Dare Cancer Facebook Community. It’s a safe space where I and lots of other like-minded women with cancer hang out and share our stories, struggles, tips, and support.

I’d love to hear your perspective and thoughts about the conceptual cancer topic – just tag me on Facebook or Instagram @truthanddarecancer handle


Full Episode Transcript:

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