New Year, New Intention

Jan 06, 2019

Well,  I’m just going to come out and say it…

The new year can be a weird time when you have cancer.

Everyone around you is busy setting resolutions, declaring they’re going to lose 10lbs, learn Spanish, or master the trapeze ( ← seriously, this was my friends'’s resolution last year). Meanwhile, you’re finding it almost impossible to look ahead with any sense of certainty.

You can’t predict how you’re going to feel after lunch, let alone whether you’ll have the time or headspace to master a new skill (you’ve got that 10lb weight loss covered though -- thanks, chemo). Maybe part of you is wondering whether you’ll even be here come December...

Let me help you out.  

This new year, I want you to take control of how you’re feeling and where you’re headed. And I want you to start by setting some intentions.

Here’s how.

Setting intentions is different than setting resolutions. Instead of focusing on the future and being attached to a certain outcome, intentions help anchor you to the present moment and put the focus firmly on the journey iteself. They’re a practice, not a goal, which shifts the focus from obtaining something to cultivating something--

Which is a far more powerful process.

Here’s what I mean.

One of the intentions I set for myself after my diagnosis was to uncover my life’s purpose. Notice how I didn’t set a resolution, like ‘write a book’ or ‘volunteer twice a month’ even though those were both things I could’ve been working towards. Instead, I went to the root, simply committing to the process of meditating, journaling, day dreaming and night dreaming for 5-10 minutes every day and being open to what I found. I didn’t commit to anything that wasn’t in my control.  

By setting and honoring this intention, I was able to connect with a higher part of my being. And let me tell you…

This process was completely transformative.

It gave me control over my life in a totally new way. It gave me the permission to create space for what was important. And it allowed me to use my cancer as a catalyst for big, beautiful change.

(Meanwhile, my friend went to two trapeze lessons, yes you guessed it, in January and by April forgot all about it)

Here are a few tips to help set your intentions for the year ahead -- 

  • Reflect on what elements of your life are most important to you. What brings you joy? What gives you purpose? What lights your fire? These can be anything! Give yourself permission to be totally honest and to think big. 
  • Once you’ve identified something, think about what is your 'why' and how you can demonstrate commitment to it every day. This can be something you do, something you reflect on or something you write about, or even something you refuse to do: the point is to know your 'why' behind it and to create space for what’s important. 
  • Make a list of your intentions and how you can support yourself to realize them. If it helps, share them with someone you trust or stick them on your fridge, where they can’t be ignored. You can also post them in my free closed Facebook here, and we’ll keep you accountable.
  • Engage with your intentions, every day, creating time to self-reflect and take note of new awareness, insights, and truths.  

Let’s make 2019 one of your best years yet. Because yes, that is possible -- cancer and all.


And if you need clarity and direction on how to frame your intentions and use your cancer as a powerful catalyst for change, let’s get on a brief call and explore how we can achieve that together. Book your free call here.


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